Active Travel

I live in the following areas; how does the one-way system affect me:
  • St Fintans Park / Villas: These exits onto Deansgrange Road are outside the one-way system so movements are unrestricted. When exiting onto Deansgrange Road you will be permitted to turn left and right. When returning via Deansgrange Road you must enter via the northern end.


  • Brookville Park / Grange Grove: These exits onto Deansgrange Road are outside the one-way system so movements are unrestricted. When exiting onto Deansgrange Road you will be permitted to turn left and right. When returning via Deansgrange Road you must enter via the northern end.


  • Grange Terrace: You must enter Deansgrange Road from the northern end and exit through the one-way system.


  • Deansgrange Cemetery: You must enter Deansgrange Road from the northern end and exit through the one-way system. In addition, the northern entrance to the Cemetery will be closed for the duration of the works. Vehicular access to the cemetery will be via the main entrance. This has been communicated to the funeral directors.


  • Kill Lane area east of Deansgrange Road: There is an existing no-right turn ban at this location so access is unchanged.


  • Kill Lane area west of Deansgrange Road: There are two diversion options for local residents, via the N11 / Newtownpark Ave or via Kill Lane / Abbey Road.


  • Clonkeen Road Area: There are two diversion options for local residents via the N11 / Newtownpark Ave or via Kill Lane / Abbey Road
I am a pedestrian; how will the traffic management affect me?

Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout the works.

I am a pedestrian or cyclist who uses the cemetery. Will this be still available?

Yes, pedestrian and cycle access are maintained but the northern entrance will be restricted. The pedestrian/cycle and vehicular gates at the tea rooms will be available. Signage will be provided directing people to the alternative routes.  

I am a cyclist how will the traffic management affect me?

Cyclists access to Deansgrange Road northbound will be diverted for the duration of the one-way system similar to the vehicular traffic.

I have a query related to the construction works who do I contact?

You can contact:


What consultation has been undertaken to arrive at these proposals?

Table showing all the consultations and engagement done for Seafield project

In addition Seafield Committee and DLRCC held meetings with the Businesses in Seafield Park and agreed 17 parking spaces to be provided (spring 2022). In January 2022 Zoom meeting held with DLRCC County Councillors In late March 2022 meetings held with the Montara Group (Glenomena/Trimelston/Woodbine) to discuss the proposals, in particular closing off of Seafield Close and Glenomena Park). A compromise was achieved to create a pinch point at this junction. 

What is the cost of this project?

This is an NTA-funded project, with an allocated budget of 200,000 euros.

Where can I see information relating to the consultation for this scheme?

Information relating to the Part 8 process for this scheme is available here:

Does the layout require the unsightly orange bollards?


How long will the works take?

The works are programmed to take approximately 8 months.

Will the new junction arrangement prevent residents living adjacent to the junction from accessing their private drives?


Why is a one-way system traffic management plan being used?

The provision of the cycle facility requires a new concrete kerb at the edge of the car lanes. This will require a trench to be dug along Deansgrange Road and the kerb poured into the trench. The trench needs to be wider than the kerb to facilitate the machine access and extra space is required to allow safe space for workers. This leaves insufficient space to maintain two-way traffic (even if the parking is removed).

Will on-street car parking be lost for permit holders?

Permits for on-street car parking facilitate on-street parking for a duration greater than the 3-hour limit. However, it does not guarantee parking directly outside each residence.

Why don’t you use stop / go?

The use of a stop/go set-up would result in more significant congestion in this area. For example, if the section of Deansgrange Road was done in 100m sections using a stop/go system this would usually take 3-5mins between ‘go’ cycles. The junction at Deansgrange Road typically cycles every 2 minutes. This means that there would be two changes of the lights at the junction before you get a ‘go’ at the stop/go system. This would quickly backlog traffic in both directions on Deansgrange Road. The use of stop/go would also not resolve the issue around having to keep the trench for the kerb open until the kerb is poured. The use of stop/go would also require the removal of parking on Deansgrange Road once set up. The provision of a one-way system allows for the retention of parking for a longer period.  

What is the purpose of this project ?

The number one issue identified by residents was speeding traffic through the estate. Measures being proposed aim to combat speeding traffic and rat-running, and to make it safer for active travel (walking / Cycling). But overall the project aims to make Seafield an even better place to live.

What is the extent of the one-way system?

The one-way system will be installed on Deansgrange Road south of St Fintan’s Villas and continuing up to the junction with Kill Lane. This will be in place for 6 months. The section between St Fintans Villas and the Rowanbyrn junction will be done as a subsequent traffic management phase.

Image removed.

Has any traffic reports been undertaken to support the proposed layout ?

The finalised layout will undergo a Road Safety Audit (RSA).

What are the diversion routes?

Vehicles travelling north on the N11 will be diverted initially via Johnstown Road / Pottery Road. For vehicles that continue past this junction, they will be diverted via the N11 – Newtownpark Ave. Vehicles approaching the works from Clonkeen Road will be diverted left via the N11.

How long will the works take?

The civil works should take approx. 4 weeks.

Will this mean a lot of additional traffic locally?

Data collection noted that 75% of the northbound traffic on Deansgrange Road drives through the area. This means that 75% of the existing traffic starts and ends their journeys outside these areas. If these vehicles follow the signed diversion route this will result in less traffic in this area.


Is the 84 and 84a bus impacted?

Yes, the northbound bus service is diverted via Abbey Road for the duration of the works:

Image removed.

The bus will stop at the bus stops along the diversion route. There are bus stops on Kill Lane close to the NCT centre here:,-6.1621844,3a,75y,35.07h,85.98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sN7uyyrMRdWc4hDlL3BShow!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

Why didn’t DLR provide cycle tracks on Abbey Road instead?

Abbey Road is part of the proposed cycle network and requires high-quality facilities in addition to Deansgrange Road. A network of cycle routes is required to provide sustainable options for users.

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