You can remain on the Register if you intend to return to your residence within 18 months.
In most cases individuals cannot be required to pay a fee to make a subject access request. However, in certain very limited circumstances, per Article 12(5) GDPR, where the initial request is ‘manifestly unfounded or excessive’ or where an individual requests additional copies of their personal data undergoing processing Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council may charge a ‘reasonable fee’ for the administrative costs of complying with the request.
If you feel the Council is not respecting your data protection rights, you should contact the organisation's Data Protection Officer. Please address your query to:
Data Protection Officer
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
County Hall
Marine Road
Dún Laoghaire
County Dublin
Phone: 01 205 4700
If you are then not satisfied with our response, you may contact the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner – details as follows:
The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner
21 Fitzwilliam Square South
Dublin 2
D02 RD28
Telephone: 01 765 0100 / 1800 437 737
There are six categories of information available as follows:
- the state of the elements of the environment e.g. air, water, soil, land, landscape, biological diversity
- factors affecting, or likely to affect, the elements of the environment, e.g. energy, noise, radiation, waste and other releases into the environment
- measures designed to protect the elements of the environment e.g. policies, legislation, plans, programs, environmental agreements
- reports on the implementation of environmental legislation
- analyses and assumptions used within the framework of measures designed to protect the environment
- the state of human health and safety, the food chain, cultural sights and built structures in as much as they may be affected by the elements of the environment.
Under the mandate of legislation, we must refuse to give you access to environmental information on the following grounds:
- personal information
- information supplied by a third party voluntarily
- material the disclosure of which would make it more likely that the environment to which such material related would be damaged
- confidentiality of the proceedings of public authorities.
Under the AIE Regulations we may refuse to give you access to information on certain grounds:
- international relations, national defence or public security
- the course of justice
- commercial or industrial confidentiality
- intellectual property rights
- material in the course of completion
- internal communications with public authorities
- the request is considered to be unreasonable due to the volume or range of information sought or the request is too general.
Please click here to view the 40 elected members of dlr county and here to view the designated public officials of dlr
How do I request information under the AIE Regulations?
When making a request for information under the AIE Regulations, you must:
- submit your request in writing or electronic form and state that it is being made under the AIE Regulations
- provide your contact details
- state as clearly as possible the environmental information required
- if you require the information in a specific format or manner of access, you should specify this in your request.
We are obliged to reply within one month of receipt of your application.
Please submit your application to:
Freedom of Information Officer
Corporate Affairs Department
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Marine Road
Dún Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
Tel: 01 2054700
The AIE Regulations allow people access to environmental information held by or for public authorities which is not routinely available through other means.
The Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003 operate in parallel with the AIE Regulations. This means that people can gain access to environmental information under the FOI Acts and the AIE Regulations.
If you wish to access personal information held by the Council under the Data Protection legislation, please see the Data Protection Section
Applications can be received by hand or post up until 5pm on Friday 20th April 2018.
Applications by email will be accepted up until midnight on Friday 20th April 2018 - email address is
If you are not satisfied with the response to your request or if the Council fail to respond within the assigned timeframe, you can request an internal review of the matter. That review will be undertaken by an officer of the Council who was unconnected to the original decision. You must make your appeal within one month of receiving the original decision letter and the Council must respond to your appeal within one month of receipt of same.
Please submit your appeal to:
Freedom of Information Officer
Corporate Affairs Department
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Marine Road
Dún Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
Tel: 01 2054700
Current tender opportunities are advertised on (or )
You can search for DLR tenders on etenders at:
In order to find DLR opportunities, go to Advanced Category Search and choose Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council under the Authority tab.
Councillors (Total: 12)
Emma Blain
Deirdre Donnelly
Mary Fayne
Karen Furlong
Mary Hanafin
John Kennedy
Lynsey McGovern
Sorcha Nic Cormaic
Peter O'Brien (Chair)
Dave O'Keeffe
Patricia Stewart
Grace Tallon
Sectoral Representatives (Total: 6)
Environment/Conversation Sector (1)
- Selma Harrington (PPN)
Business/Commercial Sector (1)
- Vacancy (Awaiting replacement for Larry O’Connor (Chambers Ireland ))
Community/Voluntary Sector (2)
- Michele Relihan (PPN)
- Tom Conlon (PPN)
Social Inclusion Sector (2)
- Ann Cannon (PPN)
- Geraldine Graydon (PPN)
In order to get notified about DLR tenders, a company will have to register with eTenders:
You’ll be notified once you register and select the codes you want to be notified about.
Councillors (Total: 14)
Emma Blain
Chris Curran
Kevin Daly
Liam Dockery
Kate Feeney
Melisa Halpin
Mary Hanafin
John Kennedy
Lettie McCarthy
Tom Murphy
Peter O'Brien
Shane O'Brien
Denis O'Callaghan
Barry Ward (Chair)
Sectoral Representatives (Total: 7)
Environment/Conservation Sector (1)
- Miriam Hennessy (PPN)
Development/Construction Sector (1)
- Sean O'Neill (Chambers Ireland)
Business/Commercial Sector (2)
- Dr Josephine Browne (Chambers Ireland)
- Ann Marie Walsh (Chambers Ireland)
Trade Union Sector (1)
- Rosheen Callendar (ICTU)
Community/Voluntary Sector (1)
- Aileen Eglinton (PPN)
Social Inclusion Sector (1)
- Fardus Sultan (PPN)
Please refer to the link below on how to register a company on eTenders:
A number of eTender user guides for suppliers can be found at
Councillors (Total: 12)
Marie Baker
Jennifer Cuffe
Cormac Devlin
Mary Fayne
Hugh Lewis
Lynsey McGovern
Carron McKinney
Sorcha Nic Cormaic
Seamas O'Neill
Barry Saul
Carrie Smyth
Ossian Smyth (Chairperson)
Sectoral Representatives (Total: 6)
Agriculture/Farming Sector (1)
- Denis Mulvey (IFA)
Environment/Conservation Sector (1)
- Diarmuid McAree (PPN)
Development/Construction Sector (1)
- Peter Clancy (Chambers Ireland)
Business/Commercial Sector (1)
- Errol Close (Chambers Ireland)
Community/Voluntary Sector (1)
- Elizabeth Clooney (PPN)
Social Inclusion Sector (1)
- Marese Hegarty (PPN)
If you are registered with eTenders then yes. However, you will have to be selected by buyer when they seek quotes on Quick Quotes.
Please note, each section carries out their own procurement so letting those sections know you are registered and available should they seek quotes would be advantageous - please email and ask that your details be passed on to the relevant staff in that section.
Councillors (Total: 14)
Marie Baker
Shay Brennan
Anne Colgan
Jennifer Cuffe
Kevin Daly
Karen Furlong
Jim Gildea
Carron McKinney
Michael Merrigan (Chair)
Brian Murphy
Tom Murphy
Dave O'Keeffe
Patricia Stewart
Grace Tallon
Sectoral Representatives (Total: 7)
Environmental/Conversation Sector (2)
- Goff Lalor (PPN)
- Rob Goodbody (PPN)
Development/Construction Sector (2)
- Matt Gallagher (Chambers Ireland)
- Martin O'Donnell (Chambers Ireland)
Business/Commercial Sector (1)
- Kevin Fitzgerald (Chambers Ireland)
Community/Voluntary Sector (1)
- Paul O'Callaghan (PPN)
Social Inclusion Sector (1)
- Veronica Heywood (PPN)
For training opportunities in your own local authority please contact your Local Enterprise Office. A list of offices can be found here:
Councillors (Total: 14)
John Bailey (Chair)
Anne Colgan
Chris Curran
Cormac Devlin
Kate Feeney
Jim Gildea
Melisa Halpin
Pat Hand
Deirdre Kingston
Michael Merrigan
Brian Murphy
Denis O'Callaghan
Dónal Smith
Carrie Smyth
Sectoral Representatives (Total: 7)
Environment/Conservation Section (1)
- Terence Corish (PPN)
Development/Construction Sector (1)
- Kathy Irwin (Chambers Ireland )
Business/Commercial Sector (1)
- Liz Ferris (Chambers Ireland )
Trade Union Sector (1)
- Jimmy Jordan (ICTU)
Community/Voluntary Sector (2)
- Kieron Brennan (PPN)
- Gerladine Dunne (PPN)
Social Inclusion Sector (1)
- Catherine Kenny (PPN)
Councillors (Total: 14)
John Bailey
Shay Brennan (Chairperson)
Liam Dockery
Deirdre Donnelly
Pat Hand
Deirdre Kingston
Hugh Lewis
Lettie McCarthy
Shane O'Brien
Seamas O'Neill
Barry Saul
Dónal Smith
Ossian Smyth
Barry Ward
Sectoral Representatives (Total: 7)
Environmental/Conversation Sector (2)
- Keith Byrne (PPN)
- Clare Sullivan (PPN)
Development/Construction Sector (2)
- Pat Neill (Chambers Ireland)
- Gregory Alken (Chambers Ireland )
Business/Commercial Sector (1)
- Tom Nolan (Chambers Ireland )
Community/Voluntary Sector (1)
- Jim Colgan (PPN)
Social Inclusion Sector (1)
- John Nolan (PPN)
You can request access to personal information held by Dún-Laoghaire Rathdown County Council about you regardless of when the information was created.
You can also gain access to other non-personal records created after 21st October 1998.
Some records are not immediately available under the FOI Act. Access may be restricted by certain exemptions or involve specific procedures and time limits.
Whilst there is no fee for the initial FOI request, the Council may apply search, retrieval and copying fees, subject to thresholds set out in the Act. Please see the attached document entitled 'Freedom of Information Fees' for more info.
Other Charges
In line with Section 27 of the Act, charges may be applied for the time spent finding records and for any photocopying costs incurred in providing the material requested. Fees will not be charged in respect of personal records, except where a large number of records are involved. Fees for search, retrieval and copying of records are set in accordance with Statutory Instruments No 484 of 2014 as follows:
€ 20 per hour of search retrieval
€ 0.04 per sheet for a photocopy
€ 10 for a CD Rom
Fees and charges paid by money order or cheque should be made payable to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.
Reductions and Waivers
A fee in respect of search, retrieval and copying of records will be waived where the cost does not exceed €100.
The full Register of Electors is not available to the public - this is due to legal requirements in relation to personal confidentiality.
Requests must be made in writing and delivered by hand, post or email. All requests should be addressed to:
Freedom of Information Officer
Corporate Affairs Department
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
County Hall, Marine Road
Dún Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
You must state that you are requesting the information under the Freedom of Information Acts.
Requests should contain sufficient information to enable us identify the records in question. They should also specify the format in which access to records is sought, for example photocopy of records, viewing of file, email etc.
If you choose to use our FOI Application Form please find it attached under the Related Documents heading above
Since 2004, registration authorities are required to publish two versions of the Register - the Full Register and the Edited Register. The full register lists everyone who is entitled to vote and can only be used for an electoral or other statutory purpose. The edited Register contains the names and addresses of persons whose details can be used for a purpose other than an electoral or other statutory purpose e.g. direct marketing use by a commercial or other organisation. To ensure your details are not included on the Edited Register, choose the 'opt-out box' on the registration form.
All requests for personal details must be made in writing, either by post or email. You may be asked for evidence of your identity. This is to make sure that personal information is not given to the wrong person. Please address your request to:
Data Protection Co-ordinator
Corporate Affairs Department
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Marine Road
Dún Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
Telephone: 01 205 4700
In your request, you should give any details that will help the County Council to identify you and find your data e.g. any previous address and/or date of birth. Also, be clear about which details you are looking for if you are only looking for certain information.
You should receive these details within one month of your request. This can be extended by a further two months if the request is complex or there is a number of requests from the same individual.
The polling card is not mandatory for voting. However, even if you have received a polling card, you will need to bring one of the following documents as proof of identification:
- Passport
- A current Driving Licence
- An Employee identity card containing a photograph
- A student identity card issued by an educational institution and containing a photograph
- A Travel document containing name and photograph
- A Bank or Savings or Credit Union book containing address
- A temporary Residence Certificate card
- A cheque card*
- A credit card*
- A birth certificate*
- A marriage certificate*
*The last 4 items must be accompanied by a further document which established the address of the holder in the constituency or local electoral area.
The Data Protection Commissioner
If you feel the Council is not respecting your data protection rights, you should contact us. If you are then not satisfied with our response, you may contact the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner – details as follows:
The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner
Canal House
Station Road
Co. Laois
LoCall: 1890 252 231 Tel: 057 868 4800 Fax: 057 868 4757