Travel & Transport
Frequently Accessed
All Services
- Covid-19 Public Realm Works
- Hedge Cutting Notices
- Public Lighting
- Public Road Definitions
- Report a Broken Street Light Here
- Road Maintenance Application Forms
- Road and Footpath Programme
- Roads Control - Road Opening Licences
- Taking in charge (Road Services Letters)
- Winter Ready - Maintenance & Gritting
Our Goals
To provide and maintain a quality road, footpath and bridge network. We do this by resurfacing roads and footpaths and maintaining bridges. We also license activities on the 'Public Road' to protect the existing infrastructure.
To provide cross-departmental emergency response to severe weather conditions; such as ice, snow, and floods. These activities include gritting the roads during icy conditions and ploughing during heavy snows. We also assisting other sections with flood alleviation and removal of debris after storms.
Functions of the Road Maintenance Section:
- Operation of emergency response service to deal with ice, snow and floods specifically also see Winterready.ie
- Licensing of hoarding, fencing or scaffolding around sites
- Licensing the transport of abnormal (very large) loads through the county
- Licensing the use of cranes lifts or cherry pickers on 'The Public Road'
- Processing applications for lowering of footpaths at driveways (Footpath Dishing)
- Issuing of Hedge Cutting Notices
- Issuing of Taking in Charge Certs