Local Area Plans

Statement on the draft Dundrum Local Area Plan

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Public Consultation
Luas Bridge Dundrum
Dundrum Draft Local Area Plan front cover

Statement on the draft Dundrum Local Area Plan 

  • Managing population growth in a sustainable & climate resilient manner, 
  • Benefits to the local community include housing, new library & civic centre, 
  • First Area Based Transport Assessment, 
  • Meeting carbon reduction targets,
  • Improving public realm & pedestrian movement.  


Dundrum is an evolving area that is experiencing growth and change, and it is anticipated that the population of circa 6000 people will double to 12,000 people in 20 years. This level of growth would create a demand on local services and facilities including parks, schools, shops and on transport infrastructure.   

In terms of transport and movement the option to continue “business as usual” is not realistic and this has been acknowledged in submissions received by Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council on the draft local Area Plan*.  The draft LAP was on display earlier this Summer and we received nearly 900 submissions. Overall, the level of engagement was very high and included much positive commentary along with concerns in relation to re-allocation of road space. 

As the Local Authority for the area, we are tasked with the challenge of managing growth in a sustainable and climate resilient manner. The Local Area Plan therefore contains a framework for managing that growth and ensuring that there are enough schools, shops and facilities to serve the existing and future communities. It also ensures that the movement network can cater for that growth. 

Benefits for the Local Community 

  • Provision of an exciting new multi-functional, purpose-built community, cultural and civic facility in a landmark building in the heart of a Dundrum which will also provide new library facilities. 
  • Provision of a new community focused local public park on Main Street. 
  • Provision of a wetland area to the rear of the existing Carnegie Library site.  
  • Identification of a site for a new school. 
  • New homes for the area on sites which include the former Central Mental Hospital and the old Shopping Centre site. 


Area Based Transport Assessment  (ABTA)

Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council in conjunction with the National Transport Authority, has prepared an Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA) for Dundrum and this is the first time an ABTA has informed a Local Area Plan. The ABTA aims to ensure that future transport demand is managed in a sustainable way. This assessment has highlighted significant deficits in the existing provision for walking, cycling and bus-based public transport, for movement to and through the area. These are considered critical constraints in the context of Dundrum being a Major Town Centre with further major development envisaged, and in the context of prioritizing sustainable transport modes and meeting carbon reduction targets in the years ahead. 

The Dundrum ABTA aims to address these issues by bringing forward recommendations for new and improved pedestrian and cycle facilities as well as measures to accommodate the major uplift in bus services planned for the area under the NTA’s BusConnects programme.  

The Dundrum ABTA also highlights the need to provide a high-quality public realm and pedestrian environment within the town and this is reflected in the concept designs prepared for the area to give people an understanding of the changes and environmental improvements being proposed. 

The National Transport Authority in supporting the draft LAP has pointed out that the absence of a well-developed movement network would “exacerbate current congestion, would prevent appropriate density being achieved and would jeopardise the economic viability of the area”. 

As Dundrum is an existing built-up urban area, with an existing road network heavily focused on the private car, the ABTA recommendations, which aims to prioritise sustainable modes of transport, do require some re-allocation of road capacity so we can provide for safe pedestrian and cycle facilities as well as priority for buses. As a result of the proposed changes, some re-routing of local traffic flows would be required and for certain trips, local access to Dundrum. 

The changes would allow for improved access to Dundrum on foot, by bike and by bus. In addition, the changes would facilitate the removal of identified high volumes of through traffic, (up to 75% of traffic identified as through traffic with no destination in Dundrum), from Dundrum town, to re-route onto Dundrum Bypass and the surrounding strategic road network. This would reduce congestion in the town and allow Dundrum Major Town Centre to develop as a highly accessible and attractive environment for residents and visitors to the area. 


*About the Draft Local Area Plan 

Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council has prepared a draft Dundrum Local Area Plan which looks at both existing and future Dundrum and aims to set out a framework to guide future development and make sure that there are enough schools, open spaces, childcare and community facilities, shops, and employment to serve the needs of the community.  

Local Area Plans are intended to provide more detailed planning policies for areas that are expected to experience significant development and change. This Draft Local Area Plan is consistent with National and Regional policy and has been informed by consultation with the local community. The process followed in preparing the draft Local Area Plan is as set out in the Planning and Development Act 2000 and the council has also followed relevant government guidelines relating to Local Area Plans. 


Draft Plan Public Consultation 

The Draft Dundrum LAP was on display for 6 weeks from the 8 June to 21 July 2023. During the public consultation period we pursued a proactive approach to raise awareness of the Draft Plan among the citizens of Dundrum and other interested stakeholders, and by doing so encouraged public participation in the overall process. 

This included: 

  • A short video explaining the the Draft LAP,  
  • Hosting a public online webinar and; 
  • Two well attended Public Information ‘drop-in days’ in the Dundrum Council Offices. 


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