Parks & Outdoors

No access to Roches Hill, Killiney until 17 March

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Public Notices

No access to Roche's Hill, Killiney due to vegetation management until the 17th March

Following the extensive Wildfire event of last summer on Roches Hill, dlr have engaged the services of Wildfire and Ecology experts to undertake a Wildfire Management Plan for both Killiney Hill and Roches Hill. 

As part of this review the consultants have provided maps for the two sites outlining buffer zones where vegetation management is required in order to assist fire management within the two Parks.    In these buffer zone areas, vegetation management is needed which requires the removal of all scrub and understorey vegetation within those zones.  This vegetation removal will not impact trees, which will be retained. The vegetation in these areas will be maintained going forward as low herb layer thus reducing the understorey fuel load and speed of movement of a fire in those areas.   Some work has been completed in Dalkey Quarry. 


The Wildfire Consultants and Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council are working closely with Dublin Fire Brigade and National Parks and Wildlife Service. National Parks and Wildlife Service have been consulted in relation to these current works.  An ecologist is present on site during the course of these works to ensure no disturbance of any nests.

Given the nature and extent of these vegetation management works, access to Roches Hill will be restricted up until 17th March while these works are under way.  We appreciate the publics co-operation during the course of the works and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Please contact 01 -2054700 and ask for Parks Department should you have any queries.


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