Section 261A of the Planning and Development Act 2000 -2010 (as amended).

A number of legislative provisions contained in the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2010 and the Environment (Miscellaneous  Provisions) Act 2011 relating to quarries were commenced on 15th November, 2011.

The requirements of these legislative provisions are summarised as follows:

(i) Local Authorities are required to prepare a complete inventory of all quarries in their jurisdiction

(ii) Within 9 months of the commencement of the legislative provisions, all planning authorities to identify the qualifying quarries and determine whether Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or Appropriate Assessment (AA) or screening for same was required, and to be carried out if required

(iii) Where a Planning Authority makes a determination that EIA or AA (or screening for same) was required but not carried out, the Planning Authority shall, depending on decisions regarding the planning status of the quarry, issue notice to the owner or operator of the quarry directing them to apply to An Bord Pleanála for consent in respect of the quarry, or issue a notice to the owner or operator of the quarry requiring that the quarry operation cease.

(iv) Quarry operators have the right to request a review by An Bord Pleanála of the Planning Authority’s determination and/or decisions.

Full details of the of the legislative provisions are available from

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council undertook an assessment of all quarries in its administrative area as required.  Details of quarries which were assessed, including reports and notices (if applicable) together with a map of the sites can be accessed from the documents hereunder.

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