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Community Champions Receive Civic Awards

General News

Councillor Mary Hanafin, An Cathaoirleach, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, today awarded civic awards to individuals and groups who by their voluntary activity make an exceptional contribution to their community. 


An Cathaoirleach of dlr recognised the work of some long-serving volunteers in a range of activities including Lions Club, Rotary, Meals on Wheels, and Special Olympics.

Councillor Mary Hanafin, Cathaoirleach, said: 

“The awardees are worthy recipients due to their long service in a wide range of voluntary organisations. They improve the quality of life of our citizens.”

Amongst those honoured was Geraldine Dunne, Director of Southside Travellers Action Group, who encourages young travellers into education and training, and who herself is an important link between the traveller community and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. 

Frank Curran, Chief Executive of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, said:

“As a Council we recognise that it is our services and our partnership with the community that makes dlr a county that people want to live, work, and play in. dlr honours those awarded tonight and will continue to support the work of individuals across the County striving to improve their local communities.”

Peter Caviston, the fishmonger from Glasthule, was recognised for creating the vibrant international attraction of Bloomsday and Eddie and Liz McDonagh, the founders of Dundrum South Dublin Athletics Club 50 years ago, who initiated the women’s mini-marathon, were also awarded a Cathaoirleach’s Award. 

The full list of 2023 Cathaoirleach’s Award winners is as follows:


  1. Des Burke Kennedy: Dalkey Tidy Towns and Entente Florale
  2. Peter Caviston: Fishmonger and Bloomsday
  3. Geraldine Dunne: Director, Southside Travellers Action Group
  4. Nuala Halpin: Irish Wheelchair Association and Meals on Wheels
  5. Larry Lohan: Lions Club and Community Enterprise Schemes
  6. Eimear Mc Auliffe: Special Olympics and Rotary Club
  7. Eddie and Liz Mc Donagh: Founders and Coaches Dundrum Athletic Club
  8. Tony and Margaret Mc Carthy: Managers, Senior Alert Scheme
  9. Peter O Brien: Founder and Coach, Seapoint Dragons for players with additional needs
  10. Sweet Memories Choir: Living Well with Dementia


Awards will be presented 6th June, 2023 in County Hall, Dún Laoghaire, at 7pm.


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