Parks & Outdoors

Shanganagh Park & Cemetery Masterplan - Have Your Say

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Public Notices

A draft Masterplan has been developed based on a comprehensive analysis of Shanganagh Park & Cemetery and extensive pre-consultation with many of its stakeholders. Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council would now like to invite submissions or observations regarding the Masterplan and site analysis prior to these being finalised.

Please submit your observations here by September 15th.

Shanganagh Park is a pivotal element to drive the vision set out in the Woodbrook-Shanganagh Local Area Plan 2017-2022. It sits strategically at a location central to all this future development. The drafting of the masterplan for Shanganagh Park & Cemetery is timely as it coincides, in particular, with the proposed residential developments in Shanganagh Castle and on the Woodbrook lands and the Crematorium. Permeability and linkages are key goals which will make a positive contribution to the local area. Co-operation between Council departments and co-ordination with external consultants for the proposed Woodbrook development has resulted in a holistic masterplan for the park. On-going consultation and workshops with sports clubs & Councillors has helped to refine the plan. This public consultation process will refine the plan further. 



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