The public consultation on the Draft dlr Joint Policing Committee Strategy 2023-2028 is now open
The Public consultation on the Draft Joint Policing Committee strategy 2023 - 2028 is now open.
Joint Policing Committees (JPCs) provide a dedicated forum to support consultation, cooperation and synergy on policing and crime issues between the Garda Síochána, local authority officials, elected representatives and the community and voluntary sectors
A JPC is focused on improving the safety and quality of life within an area so that it can be a safe community in which to live and work. The type of issues the JPC can deal with include crime, anti-social behaviour, substance abuse, estate management and crime prevention.
Dún Laoghaire Rathdown JPC completed its first 6 year Strategic Plan in 2016. With the expiry of the existing plan Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown JPC is required to prepare a new strategic plan in accordance with the JPC Guidelines (2022) issued by the Policing Authority.
For further information and to make a submission click here