County Development Plan 2022-2028
We would like to thank all the individuals and groups who have made submissions as part of the pre-draft consultation phase held in January and February. Many thanks also to everyone who visited us at our open days held throughout the County. After the closing date of 28 February, your next opportunity for public involvement in the Plan making process will be in late 2020 and early 2021 when you will have a chance to make a submission on the draft Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (dlr) County Development Plan. We have embarked on the process of reviewing the current dlr County Development Plan, 2016-2022, and preparing a new County Development Plan (CDP) that will shape the future growth of the County for the period of 2022 – 2028.
The Development Plan is part of hierarchy of spatial plans and the County Development Plan must be consistent with the higher level Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Eastern and Midland Region and also with the National Planning Framework (NPF). The County Development Plan review began on 3 January 2020 and the process, which must be followed in the making of a new County Development Plan, will take almost two years culminating in the adoption of a new County Development Plan late in 2021, with the Plan coming into force early 2022.
The Plan kicked off with an 8-week public consultation phase which included 6 open days being held across the County. Staff from the Development plan team were available to answer any queries and to advise on how to make a submission during that 8-week period which ends on 28 February 2020. A “Have your Say” document was prepared and whilst the initial pre-draft period for making a submission closes on 28 February, the document, which is available at provides a good overview of both the Development Plan process and what has been happening in the County since the adoption of the last plan back in 2016.
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