DLR Events

Vintage Values

Event Description
Vintage Values is a collection of pamphlet covers designed and printed in Ireland between the 1920s and 1960s by the Catholic Truth Society in Dublin 1 (now Veritas).
The pamphlets were principally for use in the parish to help people seeking advice in a variety of topics such as marriage, sin, dating and social graces. Some of the texts were imported from the USA but all the artwork was created and printed in Ireland and includes work by George Altendorf and John Henry.
The Veritas archive contains a near full run of pamphlets of almost five thousand individual titles.
Each one accompanied by an index card indicating the cover artist, fee paid, print-run and subsequent reprints.
Contact Details
Contact Person
Library Staff
Job Title
dlr LexIcon
01 2801147
During Library Opening Hours

dlr Lexicon


Vintage Values
Library Event, Exhibitions & Displays, Entertainment

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