DLR Events

Dreamer’s Space

Event Description

7 February – 30 April 2022 (LexIcon Level 4)

Dreamer’s Space is a series of small interactions that inspire ideas and stillness. Corrina lives at the foot of Cave Hill mountain in Belfast. She loves to go for a wander in nature, looking out for nature spirits. She was inspired by dlr LexIcon, a place full of books bursting with ideas but also a quiet space to focus and think.

Corrina has worked for CBeebies, MTV, Channel 4 and The Irish Film Board and she has won many awards for her illustrations.

www.corrinaaskin.com Instagram – corrinaaskin

Supported by Creative Ireland funding

Contact Details
Contact Person
Library staff
Job Title
dlr LexIcon
01 2801147
During opening hours

dlr Lexicon


Dreamer’s Space
Exhibitions & Displays

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