IB-Green: Industrial and Business Parks, Climate Resilient and Fit for the Future.

Sandyford Green Infrastructure Project, a collaborative effort between Sandyford Business District and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, aims to transform 0.8 hectares of land into the Sandyford Business District Civic Park, strategically positioned at the junction of Corrig Road and Carmanhall Road. This undertaking not only seeks to enhance the overall quality of public spaces but also addresses heat stress within the business park area. It is noteworthy that this project is an integral part of the Interreg North-West Europe Programme (NWE) known as IB-Green
Project title:Industrial and Business Parks – climate resilient & fit for future
Time duration:23/03/2023 – 28/02/2027 (47 months)
Total budget:8.9 Million € (5.4 Million € ERDF)
Partnership:11 partners from BE, DE, FR, IE, LU, NL
Project Overview:
Industrial and business parks (IBPs) are highly sealed and especially vulnerable to overheating. Taking up decisive part of the North-West Europe settlement area, they play a crucial role in increasing urban heat islands in the NWE region.
Based on this observation, IB-Green aims to reduce heat stress in existing industrial and business parks by developing green and blue infrastructure. Making existing IBPs more climate resilient will reduce heat stress and improve air quality in urban areas, leading to healthier living and working conditions and therefore reducing negative climate effects for enterprises and on city level.
11 project partners from 6 NWE countries representing local authorities, business parks operators and managers, networks, sector organisations and science institutions in the field of climate adaptation are joining forces to work on this challenge. Special focus lies on older industrial and business parks from the last century which are becoming less attractive. Here, the need for change is high but complex. There is an opportunity open for modernising while diminishing the pressure of new land take.
Adaptation measures will be implemented to tackle three main strategic axes:
- Increase green-blue infrastructure in public spaces of industrial and business parks while developing better public-private collaboration;
- Trigger private business owners to implement climate adaptation measures;
- Activate local authorities to implement more green-blue infrastructure in their industrial and business parks.
Action plans for public authorities will help them embed green-blue infrastructure in existing industrial and business parks. This also provides a showcase and best-practice solutions for business park operators and enterprises. Training courses will be offered for all stakeholders.
The project is funded under the Interreg North West Europe programme. Interreg NWE is a European Territorial Cooperation programme financed by the European Regional Development Fund aiming to support a balanced development across the North West Europe area, making all regions more resilient, and contributing to a better quality of life and well-being of all NWE citizens.
Inaugural meeting
Sandyford Business District CEO, Ger Corbett, and Fernanda Pinto Godoy, Project Manager for EU Funded Projects, recently participated in the inaugural meeting of IB Green, held in Wiesbaden, Germany. This event took place from September 11th to September 13th, gathering project partners from six European countries.
The historic Biebrich Castle in Wiesbaden provided a picturesque backdrop for the inaugural IB-Green project meeting. This initiative, spanning six European countries, aims to combat heat stress in industrial and business parks through green and blue infrastructure development.
IB-Green meets again in Luxembourg
Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council with Sandyford Business District actively participated in the second meeting of the IB-Green project, hosted in Luxembourg by the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning.’
For further details and future updates on the project, please visit the IB-Green website: https://ib-green.nweurope.eu/

Sandyford BID CLG t/a Sandyford Business District
Burton Hall Avenue 10, A98 FK72 Dublin, Ireland
https://www.sandyford.ie/ -
Bonn Science Shop
Reuterstraße 157, 53113 Bonn, Germany
http://www.wilabonn.d -
Municipality of Leeuwarden
Oldehoofsterkerkhof 2, 8911DH Leeuwarden, Netherlands
http://www.leeuwarden.nl/ -
Municipality of Singen (Hohentwiel)
Hohgarten 2, 78224 Singen, Germany
http://www.singen.de/ -
Ministry for Energy and Spatial Planning in Luxemburg
Place de l’Europe 4, 1499 Luxemburg
http://www.mea.gouvernement.lu/ -
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council
Marine Road 2, A96 K6C9 Dublin, Ireland
https://www.dlrcoco.ie/ -
Climate Alliance of European cities with indigenous rainforest peoples
Galvanistraße 28, 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
https://www.climatealliance.org/home.html -
Municipality of Arnhem
Koningstraat 38, 6811 DG Arnhem, Netherlands
http://www.arnhem.nl/ -
Green Energy Park
Z1 Researchpark 160, 1731 Zellik, Belgium
http://www.greenenergypark.be/ -
Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology
Rheingaustraße 186, 65203 Wiesbaden, Germany
https://www.hlnug.de/?id=9438 -
Lille European Metropolis
Boulevard des Cités Unies 2, 59040 Lille, France