Blackrock Waterfront

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Architects Department

Level 4

County Hall

Dun Laoghaire

Tel. no. 01 2054706


Enhancement of public realm as per Blackrock Local Area Plan


Status:  Preliminary Design


The Blackrock Waterfront. 

Blackrock is a well-established urban centre with a broad mix of uses and attractive streetscapes in a coastal setting. The Main Street and the Frascati Road (N31), which both run parallel to the coastline, form the main transport corridors serving Blackrock. The railway line and the seafront define the northern boundary of the Town while Blackrock Park frames the western boundary . In essence, Blackrock presents a legible urban structure. The urban form of the town displays many strengths but also presents a number of challenges for the future. 

To address these challenges the Blackrock Local Area Plan was adopted by the Council in March 2015. In 2020, the life of the Plan was extended for a further five years to March 2025. A series of objectives for the layout, built-form, urban design, building height and density of future development within Blackrock - together with a comprehensive Public Realm Strategy -are set out in the Local Area Plan. These objectives seek to optimise the opportunities afforded by the historical and natural assets of the Plan area. 

A key objective of the Blackrock Local Area plan is to connect the town more coherently with its sea front and this is set out in a series of policies and objectives in the Local Area Plan. This identifies a series of potential projects Along the sea front area front area and it is within this context that the current proposals are being brought forward. 

Currently there are two significant projects underway in Blackrock. The first is a reordering of the Main St. based on the temporary scheme that was undertaken as part of the COVID 19 measures. This will significantly improve the public realm in the Village and provide much improved active travel facilities. In tandem with these works the Architects Department is also bringing forward proposals that are linked to the initiative on the main street. These include a new civic square that would provide a space for civic events and gatherings. The scheme will examine future uses for the car park outside the train station and the relocation of the existing bus terminus from the seafront area onto the main street. In tandem the development of a new pedestrian link from the main street to the dart station is being examined along with car parking, electric bike storage and EV charging stations serving commuters accessing the train station.

As recommended in the Blackrock Local Area Plan it is also proposed to examine the potential of a new deck over the railway to allow people better access to the seafront. The scheme will also develop better links to Blackrock Park at the rear of Deepwell by widening the existing narrow pathway to create a more comfortable cycle and pedestrian route.


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