DLR Events

Summer Stars: Away With The Birds

Away With The Birds
Event Description

Come along to our fun, Summer Stars creative illustration workshop with author Eve McDonnell using fingerprinting techniques. In The Last Boy, Brewster leaves a sooty trail of fingerprints wherever he goes! Let your imagination fly by creating a fun bird-on-a-wire scene using your own fingerprints! Do your bird scenes tell a story? Are they having a party? Or are they at flight school? Are they going shopping for seeds? Or is it a birdy love story?  A picture tells a thousand words. 
Family friendly event suitable for age 4 to 14. (Children under eight must be accompanied by an adult.)

To book: Email Deansgrangelib@dlrcoco.ie with name and age of child/children

Contact Details
3.00 - 4.00pm

Deansgrange Library

Part of Major Event
Major Events


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